Those who are grateful seem to be happier, less affected by stress, and live with seemingly enhanced empathy and self-esteem. Gratitude is a concept that most people can get behind, especially with Thanksgiving around the corner.

However, we all know that life is not simple or easy. You’d be hard-pressed to find a person who hasn’t struggled in some way over the course of their life. In fact, many people experience positive changes in their lives after hardship. This process is called traumatic growth. This is not to say that personal development comes from the adversity itself. That is not the case. True growth is a direct result of how you CHOOSE to handle the adversity in your life.

Life is not about what happens to you. It’s what you do about it. Gratitude is the key that will open the door to finding your way through the chaos. Recall your most difficult experience in life so far; can you see a lesson or opportunity that you changed in a positive way?

I challenge you to reflect on your hardships, past or present. Whenever you feel burdened by them, look around you. How much of that beauty reflects your strength during those hardships? Try to find the beauty in life that exists all around you and inside yourself. I say try because it may be difficult, but it is not impossible.

We can all experience heartfelt gratitude in the face of our challenges; it is our choice whether to emerge a victim or the victor.