It’s easy to get swept up in the idea of perfection. In this new age of social media, self-doubt is now ingrained. We spend a lot of time comparing ourselves and our lives to other people. When the negative self-talk and comparisons persist, the desire to be perfect seems to strengthen.  

Trying to be perfect is exhausting because it’s unachievable. Self-betterment is admirable. In fact, we should always be working on ourselves introspectively. However, the unrealistic need to be perfect can hinder your ability to move forward.

Step back and give yourself some compassion. It’s good practice to allow downtime, so you can unwind and let your success sink in. When your mind is clear, it is the best time for ideas to float towards you. Place your hands over your heart and tap into how you’re feeling. What are the thoughts that come up? What is the heartfelt reason you’re seeking such high standards? Switch roles and imagine someone you love telling you what they think of your efforts. Getting into an observer perspective shines the situation in a new light. 

You don’t want perfectionism to be a vice holding you back. It will stop you from living your life. Do you believe that the universe has your back? Trust that opportunities will come when you let go of control. 

Be aware that you can still step forward while the grip of perfection exists. It is human nature to feel less than at times. Know that you’re not alone in this. Sometimes it just takes the first step to realize that you can switch off that pressure. It is okay to let go of perfection. You ARE enough.