Resolutions. This word can evoke a mixed bag of emotions from excitement and hope to anxiety and stress. Ultimately, resolutions create a beautiful change in our lives. When it boils down to it, resolutions are simply goals. At times, we get so passionate about our goal setting, we can quickly overwhelm ourselves. As we stand on the precipice of the new year, let us shift our perspective. Let us redefine and simplify what we consider resolutions.  
Little by Little 
With resolutions, creating a single goal is important to your overall peace and success. Having one goal can help you focus wholly on this vision. This removes the weight of having multiple goals and milestones. As you tackle a single resolution, this allows to naturally snowball into another possible resolution. By the end of the year, this little by little strategy can bring forth more accomplishments. We tend to find several meaningful resolutions that need our attention, but we find our biggest success with tackling one goal at a time! 
Genuine Resolutions 
What kind of goals are you setting? We are often advised of being realistic but sometimes we can prioritize being pragmatic over being genuine. Let’s deeply consider the goal we set. Are we overlooking simple opportunities for improvement such as a daily practice of gratitude? We can easily join the masses and aim for health goals like diet and exercise. Allow me to interject, I encourage a healthy lifestyle. However, group fads can do a disservice to our mindful living. We seek collective resolutions when we join the crowd. When the crowd moves on to a different goal our personal goals can shift and sway. Find steadiness and strength in a goal that is personal to you. A goal that will resound with your life’s journey of healing and hope. This may very well turn into a journey of personal health but let it be from within you. This is where you will find much stability and success. 
I must express the power of meditating. You may find this in prayer, in focused, silent moments, or even accompanied by the sounds of Tibetan bowls. However you choose to meditate, be sure it is intentional and free from technology pollution. We must allow ourselves the daily opportunity to be still in a busy world. Your resolution will carry more meaning if you set aside time to calm your mental flow. 
Live Well, Rest Well  
Seeking a peaceful night’s rest will set your resolution up for much success. Life has a way of draining our time. When there aren’t enough hours in the day for work, family, or life, we tend to sacrifice our sleep. When we do not have enough rest, we are often inclined to deprioritize our resolution. We must protect our rest time just as we would protect and preserve our work time and our family time. Resting allows you to cope with each day’s expected and unexpected moments. A good night’s rest also permits you to maintain your resolution.  

Entering this new year and new decade is exciting. Let’s reset how we view resolutions by seeing the new year as a simple goal. As the year continues, you may tackle multiple goals, but allow yourself to place one foot in front of the other and not enter 2020 overwhelmed.   
If you’re unsure of how to preserve your new year’s resolution, I would be honored to journey with you. 
For further reading/source: Mindful Minutes